Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Quick Visit to the Salmon Tank

Since I have been filming the salmon every week for the Orca K-8 News, I thought I would share a few photos of the progression of our little friends, from their first week up to their first full month.  They are growing by the day, and it won't be long before our K-5 friends are taking them down to Seward Park to release them into the wild!

Salmon eggs, a day after being added to the tank.

 After hatching, the salmon become alevin, and feed off their yolk sac for
a few weeks until they are large and healthy enough to swim around safely.

The salmon are now fry, and can swim all around.
But they are still weak and very skittish.

The salmon are now approaching the parr stage of their lifecycle.
They are eating a ton of food and are growing at a fast rate.
They are no longer as afraid of people as they were earlier, and appear
very curious about what happens between class periods!

They're even bigger now!  Anthony says they will be ready
to be released into Lake Washington in a week or two.