Investigation 22.1 and the Rock Cycle
We were able to tie together our observations of the igneous rocks with an investigation on the growth of magnesium sulfate crystals at different rates.

A video is forthcoming for the investigation.
We also used some additional data on the first five rocks we examined during Investigation 21.1:
Igneous Rock Descriptions
The URL for the interactive rock cycle activity is printed in the worksheet.
We followed up our work on the Rock Cycle with a short quiz to test our understanding after spending two class periods with the worksheet and the interactive website. Because we were at the end of the semester, this quiz could not be retaken – so I am posting it here for practice. It predominantly focuses on the three types of rock: igneous rock, sedimentary rock, and metamorphic rock, and the ways each rock can be changed into the other. There were also some basic questions about types of volcanoes and types of lava.
Quiz 6