Investigation 15.1
You may have noticed that we skipped Lesson 13 – we will be coming back to it shortly. I moved the order around slightly because I felt it made more sense in our efforts to build our evidence about earthquakes.
On Tuesday, we did Investigation 15.1, in which we used some foam pads as models for the different plates that make up the Earth's crust. You can review the procedure in Lesson 15 of the text, where there are diagrams of the pads and what we did with them. Here is a link to the YouTube video of this investigation. It is about six minutes long.
Investigation 15.1: Using a Simple Model of Plate Movement
We used the pads as models to study the three major plate boundary interactions that concern our research into earthquakes. I am representing just two of the interactions we model with this investigation. There are others, but this should help you start to think about how the pads help us visualize what is happening at certain plate boundaries.